Can this world be won by a Tribe/player? [Player based Discussion]


New Member
It is probably a common question but I want to make this a discussion between all the players that play in it. Staff are welcome to contribute to this discussion. I'll start off with my thoughts:

I think players/tribes will most likely try and wipe out certain other Tribes and players but they can always keep coming back, since this also is a BETA world I'd find it hard for it to be won since the main purpose of the world is to test new features and report any bugs.

Any insights?


honestly this world isnt even close to being in end phase. although LOB is clearly in the lead there are other small tribes that have developed that have goo coordination and team work and may band together to create a force equal to LOB. but ZAR has the goal of winning this beta world by converting every village to the will of ZAR!!!


End game is also one of the game's features which need to be tested. So there will be end of this game, but not any time soon. It might take several years to reach this point.


I am hopeful that they will come up with some sort of end game activities soon and honestly hope it won't take "years" lol. I think they might need to move on getting on with that sooner rather than later for a couple of servers. Having played these kind of games for years now (though admittedly NOT the original TW), I know that sometimes the lack of end game activities can lead to serious boredom and numerous players quitting. There comes a point when one single group or a group and their allies dominate a server and bask in the glory of their achievements. The basking phase in my experience doesn't last much longer than a couple months however. When a strong collection has succeeded in either eliminating or absorbing any viable and entertaining competition it then quickly leads to "well, what do we do now other than play Farmville here?". Suddenly when you're IN that strong collection of players, you look around and realize you only have one another to battle with. :/

For those who play these games for the thrill of strategy and constant battles, suddenly having none of that option left can be rather disappointing. In past games I have played, we the players ended up having to devise and implement our own endgame kind of activities. So here is to hoping that they are indeed planning on implementing some really good endgame in the not-so-distant future. :)


What good are end game activities when they can't even give us a world map or a game which discourages cheating and exploiting.


They do discourage cheating and exploiting and as far as the map i believe the idea has been put forward and they have said that if another player would want to create a map like imagine dragon did then they are free to do so just need someone willing to do it (and capable) please can uninformed people stop making stupid comments!!!