Basic Battle System


New Member
great info there, thank you. how is the number of surviviors of each battle group calculated?


d0z3;n28026 said:
great info there, thank you. how is the number of surviviors of each battle group calculated?

This is calculated from a more complex formula, that haven't been made public :)


The video is nice and explains some basics of the battle system. Yet it leaves me with some questions:
- How is the wall bonus of 1420 calculated? - if it's a linear value every wall level, you gain 71 defense points each wall level so the formula would be: wall level * 71
- Unit combat groups show where the basic units belong, but it doesn't cover Berserkers, Trebuchets, Rams and Catapults. I assume Berserkers are infantry, and the other 3 fight with the "largest group" just like the Paladin does (which is, as mentioned briefly in the video, based on provisions %)?

I know it's only a basic video and I'm looking forward to the next, more advanced video. Hopefully it can cover the following points:
- How do Trebuchets affect rams pre-battle? - if this even is the case? do Trebuchets fight rams before rams actually ram the wall pre-battle?
- How do Rams damage the wall pre- and post-battle? - is this based off the rams attack power or simply the amount of rams or something related to their provisions within the entire battle?
- How do Catapults affect buildings? when do they fight in the battle? after the units fought the remaining catapults damage buildings? or is it similar to the rams and they attack twice (pre & post battle)? how is damage to a building calculated? attack power of catapults vs hitpoints of building? how do catapults affect walls? is it the same way as they fight buildings? or do they act like rams when attacking walls?
- When exactly does the Berserker's doulbe power ability activate? when they the defender outnumbers the total amount of unit? outnumbers in provisions? outnumbers in only the infantry group (assuming berserkers are infantry)?


WhiteFang5;n28117 said:
The video is nice and explains some basics of the battle system. Yet it leaves me with some questions:
- How is the wall bonus of 1420 calculated? - if it's a linear value every wall level, you gain 71 defense points each wall level so the formula would be: wall level * 71
- Unit combat groups show where the basic units belong, but it doesn't cover Berserkers, Trebuchets, Rams and Catapults. I assume Berserkers are infantry, and the other 3 fight with the "largest group" just like the Paladin does (which is, as mentioned briefly in the video, based on provisions %)?

I know it's only a basic video and I'm looking forward to the next, more advanced video. Hopefully it can cover the following points:
- How do Trebuchets affect rams pre-battle? - if this even is the case? do Trebuchets fight rams before rams actually ram the wall pre-battle?
- How do Rams damage the wall pre- and post-battle? - is this based off the rams attack power or simply the amount of rams or something related to their provisions within the entire battle?
- How do Catapults affect buildings? when do they fight in the battle? after the units fought the remaining catapults damage buildings? or is it similar to the rams and they attack twice (pre & post battle)? how is damage to a building calculated? attack power of catapults vs hitpoints of building? how do catapults affect walls? is it the same way as they fight buildings? or do they act like rams when attacking walls?
- When exactly does the Berserker's doulbe power ability activate? when they the defender outnumbers the total amount of unit? outnumbers in provisions? outnumbers in only the infantry group (assuming berserkers are infantry)?

My understanding of the walls is that the combat strength of the rams has nothing to do with wall damage. its number of surviving rams. Having thrown various nukes and similar D's it leads me to believe that the number of rams independant of other troops determine wall damage but the cat damage depends on the number of troops sent with them as well as the buildings hit points. Again these are just speculation.