Aproved User Scripts


First of all, I know that in general Scripts are not allowed in TW2 and I completly understand that they should remain forbidden if they either automate certain actions or if they are not public. But I also know that the developers might have a quite big todo list and so not all of our wanted features will be available soon. For that reason I would like to know if it would be possible to have a kind of "aproval authority", were the source code of a script can be sent to and if it get aproved it will be made available for everyone?

Coz there is a lot of non-automating functionality which could improove the gameplay a lot, like additional report filters, additional information on certain screens, aso...


No, script are not permitted.
And we will not "open" up for scripts for a time, to close it down again later.
We will keep this rule.


Moreover if you allow script like a one that allow to add more report filters, innoGames won't be able to make you pay for a premium account ^^


@Liam Sorry to hear that would have been great to develop some nice scripts and take away some load from the inhouse developers.

@vskyrim Well report filters are no pay feature so far, but I wouldn't mind having a general premium account setup like it was on TW1. Somehow the game has to make profit, since noone works for free. :p