Rejected Additional Bonus in Resource Deposit


Hi, just a little clarification.
Among the additional bonuses provided by the resource deposit, we can obtain some units.
The question is: is it really a good idea to provide these troops with a package format? Is unfounded the risk that these packages are used to pop out troops from nowhere at an inconvenient time (for example, just before the last nobleman)?


You will have to accept the package before it counts towards your population.
When you recruit other units / noblemen it'll already be taken into your population, so the risk should not be there.


Maybe I wasnt clear.
The risks to which I refer are not related to population.
For example, the risk is that the packages will be collected immediately before the arrival of the last noble, after all the defenses have already been killed.


In this case I believe that the attacker should make the necessary arangements in order to deal with this risk.


Maybe I wasnt clear.
The risks to which I refer are not related to population.
For example, the risk is that the packages will be collected immediately before the arrival of the last noble, after all the defenses have already been killed.

You can do the same with unit deals currently.
Also you will be quite lucky if your troop reward will be available in the right time and be of a big enough amount to do damage.
Resource deposits are more guided towards new players.


I partially agree.
But the difference is that with the unit deal you can instantly get only a small amount of units, not necessarily defensive or anyway enough to kill a noble. Don't forget that amount and type of units are random features.
Instead, you could collect unit packages for several months, using all of them at the appropriate time, virtually making a little army on a completely empty village just until a few moments before.


In my personal opinion, this is still a problem that the attacker has to take into consideration when he is planning his attacks. The only thing he has to do is to make sure that the remaining time before the last nuke and the last nobleman is less than 1-2 seconds (some may think that 1 second is a huge difference).

Edit: Unless of course, I am missing something here.