Forwarded A setting to turn off swiping in the map


Currently if you press your mouse and move it, you can move around the map. This is okay.
But you can also hold the LMB and swipe across the map. I know this is what you do on a tablet and smartphone and stuff. but it is super annoying to have this feature on a pc.
I would like a setting to turn this off. Because i constantly want to move the map just a bit and find it swiping to a place where i don't even know where it is. (miles off) (especially without a minimap it's hard to find out where i ended. So i'm pressing the "move to village" button alot to get back.)

thanx for considering it



Wow it never occurred to me to use the arrow keys. but i get this to happen to me without even holding a second button all i have to do is move faster than the map can keep up and then i'll end up on the other side of the world. whats the worst is when the return to village button decides to then consider you already at your village so you can't even quickly pop back.


I hate it when I click return to villa and it goes to the village view instead of the map view centered on the selected villa.... even tho I did not have the villa on screen previously


Ya exactly what i'm talking about and its usually not when you are close to the village its usually when it would take 6 or 7 times of scroll the map to get back. maybe the village view and the return to village buttons should be different.